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These are books that helped us with short reviews

My Son My Son
by Iris Bolton- A health care professional loses her son to suicide. She survives by helping others.

Beck, Aaron. Cognitive Therapy of Depression
Outlines therapy for the professional counselor but readable and practical.

Fine, Carla. No Time to Say Goodbye
Expresses her grief and anger related to her husband’s suicide.

Jamison, Kay Redfield. Night Falls Fast
Describes her history of depression, suicidal ideation, and solutions. Includes medical findings.

Steel, Danielle. His Bright Light.
Narrates the story of her son’s bipolar disorder and suicide. Portrays a family’s attempts to save their child.

Styron, William. Darkness Visible.
Describes the desperate hopelessness of depression and one writer’s escape to sanity.

Viorst, Judith. Necessary Losses.
Looks at the numerous losses experienced in a lifetime and ways of coping.

NO Time to Say Goodbye
Carla Fine,The author, who lost her husband to suicide, draws on her own experiences as well as other Survivors and mental health professionals to offer invaluable guidance.

Healing after the Suicide of a Loved One
Ann Smolin and John Guinan filled with case studies, valuable information and advice, and a reading list and directory of support groups nationwide

Why Suicide?
Eric Marcus
Answers to 200 of the most frequently asked questions about suicide, attempted suicide, and assisted suicide. The author lost his father to suicide in 1970.

After Suicide
Eleanora Betsy Ross
Includes a lengthy reading list and directory of support groups…the author lost her husband to suicide.

Touched by Suicide
Michael F. Myers and Carla Fine
Combines the perspective of a physician (Myers) and a Survivor (Fine) to offer compassionate and practical advice to anyone affected by suicide

Unholy Ghost
Edited by Nell Casey
A collection of essays by authors who have experienced depression of a spouse, family member, or have themself suffered from the disease…very helpful in understanding what a sufferer of depression is experiencing and a solace for those who suffer with them

Darkness Visible
William Styron
The author describes his own experience with depression – the progression of the illness, as well as his recovery – in a way that manages to convey the horror of the illness with candor and precision even for those who have been spared the suffering that he describes.

A Broken Heart Still Beats After Your Child Dies
Edited by Anne McCracken & Mary Semel Pub. Date: Sep 2000, Publisher: Health Communications Inc
The resources here will guide you along a pathway of self-assessment, discovery, and fulfillment.
This remarkable compilation of poetry, fiction, and essays eloquently expresses a parent’s pain, stages of grief, and the coping and healing that follow. Judith Guest and Dominick Dunne are among the contributors, many of whom are bereaved parents themselves.

A Parent’s Guide for Suicidal and Depressed Teens
Kate Williams Publisher: Hazelden Educ Materials (04/01/1995)
The resources here will guide you along a pathway of self-assessment, discovery, and fulfillment.
Drawing from personal experience, the author helps parents recognize the signs of a child in crisis, find immediate and effective help, and deal with ongoing adolescent issues.

A Time To Grieve by Carol Staudacher
Publisher: Harper San Francisco (1994)
A collection of truly comforting, down-to-earth thoughts and meditations–including the authentic voices of survivors–for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one.

After Suicide
by John H. Hewett – Published by Westminster Press, Philadelphia, PA (1980)
For those struggling to cope in the aftermath of a suicide, this book presents the facts and demonstrates how to deal with feelings of guilt, anger, bewilderment, and shame. It shows how to live as survivors of suicide, how to explain the event to children, and how to reconcile the death with religious beliefs.

After Suicide: A Ray of Hope
by Eleanora “Betsy” Ross – Published by Lynn Publications, Iowa City, IA (1986)
Starting with stories about what it is like to be a survivor of the suicide of someone you love, it is a self-help guide to recovery for the survivor. A culmination of 25 years of personal experience as a suicide survivor, as leader of a grief support group, and as founder of Ray of Hope, Inc., in 1977. Besides covering the immediate aftermath of the suicide, the book helps to understand both the many aspects of the situation leading up to the suicide and the complicated process of recovery. It touches on such topics as addiction, abuse, neglect, and depression, as well as self-examination, spirituality and personal growth. It has many practical suggestions about what to do and not to do, what to say and not to say, how to help oneself, how to help children, etc.

After Suicide Loss: Coping with Your Grief
by Bob Baugher, Ph.D. and Jack Jordan, Ph.D. – Published by Sturbridge Group (2002) This new book for people who have lost a loved one to suicide is written by two experienced grief counselors. Designed to provide support and information through the first year of grief, it is organized chronologically, with sections on the first few days, few weeks, few months, and beyond the first year.

After the Darkest Hour the Sun Will Shine Again: A Parent’s Guide to Coping With the Loss of a Child
Author: Mehren, Elizabeth Introduction by: Kushner, Harold S. Pub. Date: Apr 1997, Publisher: Simon & Schuster
After the Darkest Hour is both a guide and a meditation. The author takes us through the process of grieving, from the effects of a child’s death on the parents’ marriage to what to say when someone asks, “Do you have children?” This book also offers valuable advice for the friends and relatives of bereaved parents.

An Unquiet Mind- A Memoir of Moods And Madness
by Kay Redfied Jamison Publisher: Vintage Books USA; (January 1, 1997)
A personal memoir which speaks from the perspective of the healer and the healed, about manic depressive illness ( Bi-Polar disorder) and suicidal thoughts, feelings and attempts.

Andrew, You Died Too Soon
by Corinne Chilstrom – Published by Augsburg Fortress (1993)
In the most simple, straightforward language, this mother tells the heart’s story: the love for her son which had to continue without that son; the embrace of speechless grief and of a murmuring, speaking community; the deep, spiritual events that occurred for her and her family when one son took his life.

Bart Speaks Out About Suicide by Linda E. Goldman & Jonathan P. Goldman
Publisher: Western Psychological Services; (September 1998)
Bart Speaks Out gives a voice to the silence often surrounding by suicide. Here is Bart, a friendly shaggy haired dog. Bart gets questions voiced, answered and isn’t afraid to talk about his fears and feelings. A very special interactive book.

Before Their Time: Adult Children’s Experiences Of Parental Suicide
by Mary Stimming
Publisher: Temple Univ Press (1999)

Borne On Eagle’s Wings
Agnes O’Neil Published by Pine Hill Press 1999
An invaluable resource for people who are struggling to cope with a family or friends’ suicide. This story is full of hope and comfort.

Breaking the Silence
by Mariette Hartley – Published by Mass Market, NY (1991)
This sensitive and witty actress has written openly and honestly. After Mariette’s father died by gunshot, she and her mother kept his suicide a secret for years. Once Mariette told her story she became “the spokesperson for suicide survivors” telling her poignant story over and over to help survivors and to promote the prevention of suicide.

Choosing to Live: How to Defeat Suicide Through Cognitive Therapy
Thomas E. Ellis, Cory F. Newman Publisher: New Harbinger Publications(November 1996)
Over 95% of those who commit suicide suffer from treatable psychiatric problems. This is a self-help guide for those considering suicide and their families. It uses cognitive therapy techniques to help readers control their suicidal moods, and suggests ways of replacing negative beliefs. The authors also provide assessment tools to help readers recognize their condition and decide whether, when and how to look for professional help.

Dead Reckoning: A Therapist Confronts His Own Grief
by David C. Treadway, Ph.D. – Published by Basic Books, NY (1996)
David’s mother died by suicide and now David writes about his journey of grief after 27 years of avoidance. A profound and moving memoir revealing the many layers of pain and denial that can build up in a family after a suicide. The author finds the courage to face his ghosts, take off his protective layers and reconnect with his family.

Do They Have Bad Days in Heaven?
by Michelle Linn-Gust Pub. Date: Dec 2003, Publisher: Kensington Publishing Corporation
Michelle explains suicide, the grief process, and how sibling death impacts the brothers and sisters left behind. She adds practical advice for how sibling suicide survivors can help themselves. This book is also wonderful for those who want to reach out to sibling survivors including parents, teacher, counselors, and friends. Reading Do They Have Bad Days in Heaven? assists them in understanding the grief process that the sibling survivor endures.

Don’t Take My Grief Away From Me
by Doug Manning – Published by In-Sight Books (1979)
A warm, consoling, practical guidance to help the bereaved cope with emotions, confront decisions, and learn to live again. Gently, with warm, consoling, and practical guidance, Doug Manning addresses the painful, often disorientation aftermath of the death of a loved one, helping the bereaved cope with the emotions and confront the decisions that are an inevitable part of this time of radical life adjustment. He helps readers face up to grief, move through it, and learn to live again. The author provides thoughtful advice for rebuilding a grief-shattered life while taking to heart the valuable lessons death and mourning impart to everyone.

Forgive & Forget: Healing The Hurts We Don’t Deserve
by Lewis B. Smedes – Published by Pocket Books (1984)
One of the most difficult struggles in managing conflict is practicing forgiveness. There are many well-written works on this subject, but few match the realism and sensitivity by Lewis Smedes. The work, “Forgive and Forget”, is a classic on the subject. Mr. Smedes includes in his book: – The four stages of forgiving – Forgiving people who are hard to forgive – How people forgive – Why forgive? It is a thoughtful and insightful study of the only true medicine for our deepest wounds: Forgiveness. It appeals not only to the mind but also to the spirit. It is a wonderful companion for anyone who is suffering the loss of a cherished relationship, unable to reconcile the injustice or futility of such loss. It will give help as well as comfort to those who read it, and help to understand that forgiveness can be not only a possibility but a reality.

Grieving a Suicide – A Loved One’s Search for Comfort, Answers, & Hope
by Albert Y. Hsu – Published by InterVarsity Press (1972)
After his father’s death by suicide, Albert Hsu wrestled with the intense emotional and spiritual questions surrounding suicide. While acknowledging that there are no easy answers, Hsu draws on the resources of the Christian faith to point suicide survivors to the God who offers comfort in our grief and hope for the future. If you have lost a loved one to suicide or provide pastoral care to those left behind, this book is an essential companion for the journey toward healing.

Healing After The Suicide of a Loved One
by Ann Smolin & John Guinan – Published by Simon & Schuster (1993)
A very informative book that provides suicide survivors with insights into the emotional responses they may be experiencing. The authors are direct and honest as they offer support, hope, and permission to go on with life.

Helping Children Cope With Grief
by Alan Wolfelt – Published by Accelerated Development, Inc. (1983)
This book is written for parents, teachers, and counselors who have both a desire and a commitment to help children when they experience a death.

His Bright Light (The Story Of Nick Traina)
by Danielle Steel Publisher: Delta (2000)
Like Kurt Cobain, Nick Traina lived for punk rock (his bands made two CDs, Gift Before I Go and 17 Reasons), succumbed to heroin addiction, and died of suicide. His mom, Danielle Steel, takes us through her 19 twister-like years with Nick in a memoir more affecting than her potboiler novels. Like his AWOL addict father, Nick had good looks, bad behavior, and a yen for the feminine. Five days before he died, he phoned a woman he saw in a centerfold and had a new girlfriend by nightfall. But his fun was ever haunted by manic depression. At age 11, he was a bed wetter who ate all the Tylenol and Sudafed in the house. He first considered suicide at 13, as Steel learned by reading his diaries after his death.
There is tension in this story–one doctor told Steel if she could get Nick to live to 30, he’d probably live a normal life span. (For example, Nick’s troubled dad resurfaced, sober, soon after his son’s death.) And Steel conveys a sense of the intelligence Nick used to conceal his learning disability, and the irreverent charm that alternated with irrational rages. Oliver Sacks has urged us not to ask what neurological disease a person has, but what sort of person the disease has got hold of. Steel gives us a vivid sense of the costs of the disease to a family–and of the person who was Nick Traina. –Tim Appelo

How Do We Tell The Children?: A Step-By-Step Guide For Helping Children Two To Teens Cope by Christine Lyons & Dan Schaefer
Publisher: Newmarket Press; Updated edition (November 1993)
Review From Publishers Weekly Books tend to generate multiple editions when they have something truly valuable to say. This title is no exception. Schaeffer, a psychologist and former funeral home director, and New York City-based journalist Lyons lucidly and straightforwardly explain how to inform children about the realities of death. They explain what most children can easily understand, what they might need help understanding, and the importance of being up-front. This third edition includes new information on dealing with traumatic death, and while that would seem like a timely addition, the section doesn’t fit in too well with the rest of the child-directed content; it includes subsections such as “The Impact of Grief on Business and Management,” so the book seems to shift its focus to adults. Still, this is recommended for public libraries because of the valuable basic information it contains. Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.

How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies
by Therese A. Rando – Published by Lexington Books (1988)
Mourning the death of a loved one is a process all of us will go through at one time or another. But wherever the death is sudden or anticipated, few of us are prepared for it or for the grief it brings. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, there is no way around the pain of loss, but there is a way through it. Each person’s response to loss will be different. In this compassionate, comprehensive guide, your are lead gently through the painful but necessary process of grieving and helps you find the best way for yourself. It offers help to anyone who has survived the pain of this kind of loss and is trying to adjust to a new world without their loved one.

How To Survive The Loss Of A Love
by Colgrove, Bloomfield, McWilliams – Published by Prelude Press (1991)
One of the most directly helpful books on the subject of loss ever written, it helps one to cope up with life’s worst encounters. It provides support for anyone who is experiencing grief related to a loss, including the death of a loved one and the breakup of a relationship. A nice thing about this book is its unique, easy-to-read format: the chapters are written in outline form, and each chapter is just 1-2 pages long and printed on the left-hand sides of the pages only. The right-hand side pages contain poems, quotes, and sayings offering comfort as well as inspiration. This book will help you to feel that you are not along as you begin to cope with your loss.

In The Wake Of Suicide: Stories Of The People Left Behind
by Victoria Alexandria Publisher: Jossey-Bass (1998)
After author Victoria Alexander s mother took her life, she spent the next ten years collecting stories from people, like herself, who have walked through one of life s most difficult journeys. The result is a beautifully written book of powerful, spellbinding stories told by those who were left behind parents, children, spouses, lovers, friends, and colleagues. In the Wake of Suicide offers survivors the understanding, compassion, and hope they need to guide them on their own path in the wake of this most painful loss.

Living Through Mourning
by Harriet Sarnoff Schiff Publisher: Viking (09/01/1986)
Covers grief after any death but includes good material on suicide.

Living Through Personal Crisis
by Ann Kaiser Sterns – Published by Ballantine Books (1985)
A self-help book written for those who have to deal with loss and trauma, and their families. Explains what you may be feeling both physically and emotionally and ways to help yourself heal. In this invaluable book, a noted professor of psychology explains how grief, as agonizing as it may be, is a natural response to life’s tragedies that helps us along through anger and isolation to a lasting healing process. Professional yet compassionate, drawn from actual case histories as well as the author’s own experience of living through personal crisis, it provides comforting guidance and practical day-to-day advice for those who suffer–and loved ones and friends who care.

Light Beyond The Darkness
by Dore Deverell Publisher: Temple Lodge Pub (1996)
Doré Deverell’s son Richard had a difficult life of physical and mental illness and depression. When he committed suicide at the age of thirty-six, Doré suffered the intense anguish of a mother’s loss. But she was determined to find healing and reconciliation.

Men & Grief: A Guide For Men Surviving The Death Of A Loved One by Carol Staudacher
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications, Inc (1990)
This resource identifies the major characteristics of men’s grief and discusses their orgins and contexts. It explores various ways in which men can facilitate the process of their own grief; it also serves as a resource for mental health professionals, caregivers and loved ones as they assist survivors. Very simply, the material presents the what, why and how of men’s grief.
But Men and Grief is a book that begins the process of exploring and discussing male responses and reactions after the death of a loved one. In no way does the material presented in this book exhaust the entire range of men’s grief experiences. Instead, this research starts at the base of men’s grief experiences and works its way upward, exploring process and possibilitiy.
When a person deals with grief – probably the most profound and prolonged emotional state ever experienced by a human being – the survivor needs to get at grief’s core, to make some sense of it and to trust it. Even though his mind and heart may be plagued by loss, the survivor must continue to believe in wholeness and repair.
So it is with these goals and intentions that Men and Grief is presented – to offer courage to men who have lost a loved one, with the hope that they may fully process the grief that must precede their healing. This book will aid survivors to achieve a sense of unity and comfort through identification with and exploration into other men’s experiences and perspectives.
Equally as important, this work provides insights, coping strategies and nurturing techniques to caregivers and survivors. It is with deep respect, and the hope for a grieving process that transcends cultural dictates, that this material is offered to the grieving man and all those who care for and about him.

Mourning After Suicide
by Lois Bloom – Published by The Pilgrim Press (1987)
The author lost her son to suicide. This easy to read 24 page booklet is an excellent introduction for someone newly bereaved. It normalizes the grief and the reference to spirituality is gentle and non-invasive.

My Son, My Son: A Guide To Healing After A Suicide In The Family
by Iris Bolton – Published by Bolton Press, 1090 Crest Brook Lane, Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: 770-645-1886. (1983)
A therapist shares the story of the suicide of her son; a compelling, powerful and informative book about suicide, grief, survival, and hope that will profoundly touch the heart and provide new insights for every reader.

Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide
by Kay Redfield Jamison – Published by Knopf (1999)
After years of struggling with manic-depression, Dr. Jamison tried – at age twenty-eight – to kill herself. Now she brings all of her knowledge and research to bear on this devastating problem. This book helps us to understand the suicidal mind, to recognize and come to the aid of those at risk, and to comprehend the profound effects on those left behind.

No Time To Say Goodbye, Surviving the Suicide of a Loved One
by Carla Fine – Published by Doubleday (1997)
The author shares her own journey of grief following the suicide death of her physician husband and she also integrates the voices of others who have endured the desolation of a loved one’s suicide.

Overcoming Depression
by Demitri Papolos & Janice Papolos
Put your thinking caps on for this book! It is filled with the latest information on depression and other depressive illnesses – describing several individuals’ personal experiences with the illnesses, they cover diagnoses, possible causes of the disorder and various treatments, with an emphasis on getting good treatment. In an excellent chapter titled “Living with the Illnesses,” the authors talk about the effects depressive illnesses have on families, with advice on hospitalization and the world of health insurance. They cover a little bit of everything in this book. It gets a bit technical at times, but the authors do their best to in trying to explain and educate by chosing words the layperson will understand. A useful book to add to your collection of books on depressive illnesses.

Questions & Answers About Depression & Its Treatment
by Ivan K. Goldberg, M.D.
Dr. Ivan Goldberg answers hundreds of the most frequently asked questions about depression and other mood disorders. A very informative book, in an easy-to-read format, that should be very helpful to a person who is uneducated about mental illness.
The book contains an introduction to depression and mood disorders, a detailed section on up-to-date treatments used, and lastly, a discussion of the “special aspects” of mood disorders, which includes children, the elderly, the grief process, suicide, and various other topics.

Roses In December
by Marilyn Willett Heavilin – published by Thomas Nelson (1993)
Written with deep compassion and empathy, the author reaches out to help those who are grieving find God’s comfort. Having lost three sons, she knows the tremendous sorrows and struggles that come with the death of a loved one. Yet she shares how even in the winters of our lives God provided roses – special occasions, special people, and special memories – to give us strength to persevere and draw close to Him. This book will help you understand the grieving process, support family members, give insight into sibling grief during this difficult time. You’ll discover there are roses in December.

Safe Passage
by Molly Fumia Publisher: Conari Press 01 March, 2003
A collection of brief meditations on death and grief, most by the author. An excellent book for anyone but especially for newly-bereaved who have trouble concentrating on longer material.

Sanity and Grace: A Journey of Suicide, Survival and Strength
by Judy Collins Pub. Date: Oct 2003, Publisher: Putnam Pub Group
Walking in This World picks up where Julia Cameron’s bestselling book on the creative process, “The Artist’s Way, left off to present readers with a second course–Part Two in an amazing journey toward discovering our human potential. Full of valuable new strategies and techniques for breaking through difficult creative ground, this is the “intermediate level” of the Artist’s Way program. A profoundly inspired work by the leading authority on the subject of creativity, “Walking in This World is an invaluable tool for artists.”

Seven Choices
by Elizabeth Harper Neeld, Ph.D. – Published by Delta (1990)
In this ground-breaking book, Elizabeth Harper Neeld describes the steps each of us can take to find a new balance for our lives after experiencing death, divorce, illness, as well as grief, loss and change of any kind. This book maps the complete grieving and change process and provides a way to respond to change by identifying seven positive choices that lead to a “new normal.” These positive choices bring healing and stability and show how to avoid getting stuck in mourning, anger, bitterness and sadness.

Silent Grief – Living in the Wake of Suicide
by Christopher Lukas & Henry M.Seiden Published by Simon & Schuster 01 February, 1988
Lukas and Seidena television writer/producer (and suicide survivor) and a clinical psychologistshow how the emotional aftermath of suicide differs from that of normal bereavement not only in duration but because of the hidden implication of responsibility and higher risk of suicide for those relatives left behind. Lay helpers will find useful the discussion of rules for listening and refocusing and the comments about prevention of romanticization and contagion among adolescent survivor peer groups. A sensible popular manual on “postvention” of suicide and the dangers of unspoken sorrow and anger, with a useful appendix on self-help and mutual-support groups.William Abrams, Portland State Univ. Lib., Ore.
Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Stronger Than Death: When Suicide Touches Your Life
by Sue Chance – Published by Avon Books (1992)
A psychiatrist shares the life and suicide death of her only child and her personal struggle to cope with this tragic event.

Suicide: A Christian Response
Timothy J. Demy (Editor), Gary P. Stewart (Contributor)
Publisher: Kregel Publications; (April 1998)
Editorial Reviews
With articles by 35 notable writers and scholars, “Suicide: A Christian Response” presents the medical, ethical, legal, and personal arguments for choosing life rather than death. The contributors, active in Chicago’s Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, represent a broad professional and evangelical perspective on this crucial issue.

Suicide: Prevention, Intervention, Postvention
by Earl Grollman – Published by Beacon Press (1988)
Offers advice on how to recognize the warning signs of potential suicide attempt, how to intervene when a suicide has been attempted, and how to comfort families and friends who have lost a loved one to suicide.

Suicide: Survivors: A Guide For Those Left Behind
by Adina Wrobleski – Published by Afterwords (1994)
Helpful and insightful information for suicide survivors – honest, open, and easy to read. It is probably one of the best, most accurate, books ever published on suicide/suicide grief. Adina Wrobleski is an expert on suicide, having spent many years studying the subject, after her daughter died by suicide. Reading this book might be a good “first step” for someone beginning the arduous journey of trying to work through suicide grief.

Suicide: Why?
by Adina Wrobleski
Suicide Why? is an excellent, very informative book on suicide. Adina Wrobleski, using her extensive knowledge and insight takes much of the mystery out of the most misunderstood subject. She explains, through the books question and answer format, what society must know in order to save lives. This book is also a good place for a suicide suivivor to start when trying to find answers to the many questions he/she may have after the loss of a loved one by suicide.

Survivors of Suicide
by Rita Robinson – Published by Newcastle Publishing Co. (1989)
Survivors of Suicide is a helping guide for those family and friends left behind when a loved one commits suicide. This newly revised edition goes into more detail about teen suicide and the help that is available, and dispels the myths surrounding suicide.

Talking With Children About Loss
by Maria Trozzi Published by Beacon Press, 1990
Trozzi is an assistant professor of Pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, a consultant for the child Development Unit at Children’s Hospital in Boston. Her credentials and expertise have established her as one of the foremost experts on child bereavement in the country.
Hospitals, organizations and city officials often call upon Trozzi to enhance their crisis management programs. She was flown to Littleton, Colorado after the Columbine High School shooting to administer crisis management consultation to the parents, caregivers and educators of the area.

The Bereaved Parent
by Harriet Sarnoff Schiff – Published by Penguin Books (1977)
This is the classic book for parents whose child has died – and for all those who want to help them. Many such parents feel that no one can help because no one can understand the complex ramifications of their tragedy, the exhaustion, the quarrels with mates, the sleeplessness, the panic, the inertia, the horror of laughter – all the seemingly endless aftermath of sorrow and despair. Yet, because she herself is a bereaved parent, the author is able to give genuine comfort. If you have lost a child, you know that pain like yours cannot be erased, and she does not attempt to do so. Instead, she offers guidelines and practical step-by-step suggestions to help you cope with every stage. Her book will convince you that you, too, can find your way back to the land of the living.

The Courage To Grieve
by Judy Tatelbaum – Published by Harper & Row (1980)
This unusual self-help book about surviving grief offers comfort, inspiration, and provides the specific help we need to enable us to face our grief fully and to recover and grow from the experience. The author gives us a fresh look at understanding grief, showing us that grief is a natural, inevitable human experience, including all the unexpected, intense and uncomfortable emotions like sorrow, guilt, loneliness, resentment, confusion, or even the temporary loss of the will to live. The emphasis is to clarify and offer help, and the tone is spiritual, optimistic, creative and easy to understand. She provides excellent advice on how to help oneself and others get through the immediate experience of death and the grief that follows, as well as how to understand the special grief of children. Particularly useful are the techniques for completing or “finishing” grief–counteracting the popular misconception that grief never ends. The Courage to Grieve shows us how to live life with the ultimate courage: not fearing death. This book is about so much more than death and grieving – it is about life and joy and growth.

The Enigma of Suicide
by George How Colt Publisher: Touchstone Books (04/01/1992)
Results from a 10 year investigation on the problem of suicide. Includes first person accounts with sections on: Adolescent Suicide; History; The Range of Self-Destructive Behavior; Prevention; The Right to Die and Survivors.

The Grief Recovery Handbook
by James & Friedman – Published by Harper Collins (1998)
Incomplete recovery from grief can have a lifelong negative effect on your capacity for happiness. Drawing from their own histories, as well as from others, the authors illustrate what grief is and how it is possible to recover, regain energy and spontaneity. Based on a proven program, this life-changing handbook offers the specific actions needed to complete the grieving process and accept the loss.

The Savage God – A Study of Suicide
by A. Alvarez Published by W.W. Norton & Company September, 1990 Paperback
A study of the historical, literary, philosophical dimensions of the mystery of suicide.
In The Savage God A. Alvarez looks at suicide from the perspective of literature to see how and why “it colors the imaginative world of creative people.” To this problem, Mr.Alvarez provides no single answer. Time itself presents a layer of complexity that prevents the satisfying simplicity of a single explantory theory. Yet, in the post-Romantic/Classic era, the contours of an answer can be found that accounts for the suicidal pull today. Art in the modern era enjoys a less restricted scope than that of the classical world; the result is art that is more confrontational. What we find today is that “the more directly an artist confronts the confusions of experience the greater the demands on his intelligence, control and watchfulness.” Present always is the risk of being overwhelmed by what one knows, or thinks known. Suicide colors the world of creative people precisely because their confrontation with experience is today inherently risky business. This does not hold for the Surrealists, determined as they were to lighten our load by mocking it, but for the “Extremist Poets,” as Alvarez calls them, committed to a “psychic exploration out along the friable eduge which divides the tolerable from the intolerable…” it remains a threatening cloud.It has been over 30 years since the first appearance of The Savage God. Parts of the book show its age. A modern discussion would feature less Freud and more on neurotransmitters, and pharmacological findings. Moreover, it is very clear that Alvarez set the bar too high, attempting in the compass of a small book to survey the history of societal attitudes toward suicide while keeping individual artists, presumably representative of underlying attitudinal currents, in focus at all times. Yet, The Savage God still has its readers and has come to have the status of a standard reference on this dark subject. One reason for its continued appeal is that Alvarez brings to his discussion of actual suicides and suicidal tendencies an uncommonly rich level of thinking, understanding and compassion. His openining chapter on Sylvia Plath, his exposition on Chatterton, and his analysis of that movement toward negation, Dada, carry an insightfulness frequently missing from today’s dry, case-history recitals. This is not a book that tries to duplicate the sterile language of a metropolitan hospital’s clinical round. Personally I found the chapter on Plath overwhelmingly sad. The cover of paperback edition of her unabridge Journals carries on its cover a picture of Ms. Plath — a youthful, optimistic young woman, with a wonderfully wide smile and bright, magnetic eyes. Mr. Alavarez knew her personally. His account of her time in London hammers home the tragedy of an artist who lost her footing on that “friable edge.” This is a book which, once read, stays with you.

The Suicidal Mind
Edwin S. Shneidman Pub. Date: Mar 1998, Publisher: Oxford Univ Pr
“The Suicidal Mind” brims with insights into the suicidal impulse and with helpful suggestions for counteraction methods. Throughout, Dr. Edwin Shneidman offers practical, explicit maneuvers to assist in treating a suicidal individual–steps that can be taken by concerned friends or family and professionals alike.

The Suicide Of My Son
by Trudy Carlson – published by Benline Press (1995)
After the suicide death of her teenage son Ben, Trudy Carlson sheds light into the little-understood symptoms of depressive illness and anxiety disorders in youngsters. She explains the biological nature of these conditions, and maps out a low-cost, effective school based program for recognizing and treating school-aged youth. The correlation between depressive illness and teen suicide is examined.

To Heal Again
Rusty Berkus,” with illustrations by Christa Wollan Publisher: Red Rose Pr (07/01/1986) A beautiful, simple book granting us permission to grieve. “By surrendering into our pain and trusting the Spirit within to do the work, we open ourselves to the miracle of healing.”

Touched by fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperamant
by Kay Redfield Jamison Pub. Date: Oct 1996, Publisher: Simon & Schuster
From the author of the New York Times bestseller, An Unquiet Mind, Touched with Fire is an authoritative look at the relationship between manic-depressive illness and the artistic temperament. Psychiatrist Jamison advocates a restrained, humanistic approach to treatment that does not “cure” the disorder at the expense of artistic inspiration.

Transcending Loss
Ashely Davis Prend – Published by Berkley Books (1997)
An inspiring new approach to the lifelong process of grieving. The author asserts that death doesn’t end the relationship, it simply forges a new type of relationship — one based not on physical presence but on memory, spirit, and love. The author helps grievers deal with the ongoing impact of their loss — and the attempt to transcend it. While most books often focus on crisis management and imply that there is an ‘end’ to mourning, they essentially fail to address the issue of grief’s ongoing impact, and how it changes through the years. This is a book about death and grief, yes, but more importantly it is a book about love, hope and shows that over time, you can learn to transcend even in spite of pain. We all get broken by life sooner or later because loss is the price we pay for living and loving. But experience shows that we can become stronger at the broken places and find the opportunity in crisis. This book will help you move beyond grief and will guide you on your journey through time of healing and transcendence.

Understanding, Coping, and Growing Through Grief
by Collection of Authors – published by HOPE FOR BEREAVED, 4500 Onandaga Blvd., Syracuse, NY 13219 (1995)
A book of helpful articles written by bereaved people for bereaved people and those who want to help them. A superb gift to give to bereaved; helpful to have on hand for resource library.

Understanding Depression – A Complete Guide to Its Diagnosis & Treatment
by Donald F. Klein, M.D. & Paul H. Wender, M.D.
Understanding Depression was written by two psychiatrists who have been researching psychiatric disorders, and treating patients for close to thirty years. Their knowledge, and the information in this book, is based on hard scientific data, which supports the fact that depression and other related mood disorders are common biological diseases which, most of the time, must be treated with a combination of medication and psychotherapy to relieve and/or eliminate the symptoms.
The doctors differentiate between what they call depression – the normal emotion, as in the case of the normal grief process, where most people, although “depressed’, still continue to function and where feelings of normalcy eventually return and biological depression, an illness, which in many cases is a chronic disease, with specific sysmptoms and several common patterns. The authors stress that a qualified biological psychiatrist is the best person to consult in order to confirm an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
This is an excellent book. The patient profiles help the reader understand the effects this insidious disease can have on peoples lives. The authors state that “the ability to recognize depressive illness in yourself or loved ones may be a matter of life and death.” That statement certainly cannot be disputed. The book goes on to discuss causes, diagnosis and treatment, and psychopharmacological drugs.

Understanding Grief
by Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt – published by Accelerated Development Inc. (1992)
A compassionate guide to coping with the death of someone loved, this book helps bereaved people move toward healing by encouraging them to explore their unique journeys into grief and mourning. Throughout, readers are sked specific questions about their grief journeys and encouraged to think about and write down their responses. For support group leaders, the book also includes a nine-session support group model that draws on the earlier chapters in the book for readings and writing exercises.

When A Friend Dies: A Book For Teens About Grieving & Healing
By Marilyn Gootman Publisher: Minneapolis : Free Spirit, ©1994
If you are grieving the death of a friend, do something for yourself. Take the time to read this book. It isn’t very long–there aren’t a lot of words–but you may find the help you need to cope with your sadness and begin to heal. Author Marilyn Gootman has seen her own children suffer from the death of a friend, and she knows what teenagers go through when another teen dies. Let her genuine understanding, gentle advice, and compassionate wisdom guide you through the next few days, weeks, or months. If you’re a parent or teacher of a teen who has experienced a painful loss, this book is for you, too.

When Dinosaurs Die
By Marc Tolon Brown, Laurie Krasny Brown Publisher: Little Brown & Co April 1996
Explaining death to a child is never easy for an adult, but the Browns’ book really helps. You’ll find difficult concepts made much simpler with colorful illustrations that remind the child of the “Arthur” cartoon series which the author also created.The kids with whom I have worked professionally have loved the little green dinosaurs who experience and express the same thoughts and feelings. When I talked to my daughter’s preschool class a few years back after the class hamster died, I used parts of this book in my explanation.The brilliance of the Browns’ concept is that one doesn’t have to read the book straight through. A parent or teacher can choose to use two or three pages. In fact, each two-page spread tends to develop a specific concept such as funerals, cause of death, what death means, etc.As a matter of fact, this would be a nice addition to elementary school libraries and classrooms, especially when discussing the death part of their living things science units.It’s interesting in my own professional library that this book takes its place right along with all of the academic volumes on death, bereavement, and counseling theory!

When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens (Teen-Focused Coping Skills)
by Bev Cobain Publisher: Free Spirit Publishing; (July 1, 1998)
In 1994, rock star Kurt Cobain ended his struggle with depression and drugs by taking his own life. Bev is Kurt’s cousin. This book is her way of making sense of his death and reaching out to teens who are sad, discouraged, and/or depressed. Whether you are a teen or an adult who cares for and about young people, this book will help you learn to identify the signs of real depression and get help.
Depression is present in at least 70% of suicides. This book can help you to save lives, and help kids to live happily in todays’ daily chaos.

Why Suicide?
by Eric Marcus – Published by HarperCollins (1996)
A nonjudgemental guide for people whose lives have been touched by suicide. It offers practical answers to such related concerns as what to tell others, preventability, and what to do with suicidal feelings.

Words I Never Thought to Speak
by Victoria Alexander Publisher: New York : Toronto : New York : Lexington Books ; Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; Maxwell Macmillan International, ©1991.
First person accounts of people’s struggles after a loss by suicide.

35 Ways To Help A Grieving Child
by The Dougy Center Dougy Center; (October 25, 1999)
If you know a child or teen who has experienced a death, this guidebook presents you with simple and practical suggestions for how to support him or her. Learn what behaviors and reactions to expect from children at different ages, ways to create safe outlets for children to express their thoughts and feelings and how to be supportive during special events such as the memorial service, anniversaries and holidays.