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Survivors of Suicide

Helping those who have lost a loved one to suicide.

Please know YOU are not alone

There are many of us reeling from the effects of the death of someone we loved by suicide

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Peter Warshaw

Group Leader


Austin SOS has begun having hybrid meetings on the first and third Tuesday of every month, from 6:30 to 8 pm, with some members attending in person at 1001 E. 52nd St., Austin and others attending via zoom at this link:

Meeting ID: 873 2867 4050
Passcode: SOS

If you have lost someone to suicide, I invite you to join me and my fellow survivors to help you navigate your difficult journey. Every one of our members is a Survivor, and our mission is to help those who are recovering from a loss by suicide of a close friend, spouse or significant other, or a family member. 
Peter Warshaw

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When you arrive at a meeting you will be greeted by members, some old members and many new like you.  We all sit around a table and do an introduction.  We tell who we are, who we lost, how we lost them and when the death took place.  We usually talk about what is going on in our lives and how we are handling our grief.  Some are far along the road of healing and that gives the new people “HOPE” that someday there will be a good times again.  New members are allowed to tell their story if they want to and get the pain out. But if you choose not to speak that is ok as well. Sometimes there are tears but that is normal when you have lost someone you loved under any circumstances much less suicide.

There are really no rules, but you will learn how to handle birthdays and holidays along with the anniversary of our loved ones death.  You will find love and comfort like none that can be given to you anywhere else because unless you know the pain of suicide you do not truly understand it.   The meetings are part of the circle of healing and we have found the earlier you start the healing journey the better it will be.  Please join us to learn to heal from the effects of suicide.

Get in Touch

Please know YOU are not alone. There are many of us reeling from the effects of the death of someone we loved by suicide.

Survivor Blog

Peter’s Poems

  Zebras and Horses I am a survivor of suicide, a zebra among horses; distinct from those who...

Peter’s Pick for Comfort

A Solitary Journey Grief is a solitary journey. No one but you knows how great the hurt is. No one...

Closure by Kevin Caruso

Closure by Kevin Caruso

Suicide Survivors: There is no Closure After a Suicide by Kevin Caruso Suicide is extremely...

Reading List

These are books that helped us with short reviews My Son My Son by Iris Bolton- A health care...



To The Newly Bereaved After SuicideBy LaRita Archibald, Founder of HEARTBEAT Groups for mutual...


I will not get over this regardless of how much time has passed. There is a wound in my heart that...

Peter Warshaw

Peter Warshaw -My experience with suicide began in 1988 with the loss of one of my students who...

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Time to breathe

Time to breathe

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Great Books For Recent Loss

Dr. Mark Goulston:  PTSD for Dummies Don't be misled by the title!  Loss by suicide can be a...

Survivor Guilt

Guilt is your worst enemy, because it is a false accusation. You are not responsible for your...

Survivors Day Information

Austin, Texas Nov. 18, 2017 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Rudy Zapata Training Rooms A & B 5015 South...

Help our Vets

22 Veterans die by suicide each date.  Lets stop it !!...

Facts and Figures

Suicide claims more lives than war, murder, and natural disasters combined. General In 2014...

Thoughts From A Survivor

This month my son Ryan has been gone for 12 years.  In many ways it's like yesterday and other...

Want to post something

I'll be happy to post anything you find that has been useful to on your path of healing. Just...

Get in Touch

Please know YOU are not alone. There are many of us reeling from the effects of the death of someone we loved by suicide.