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Peter’s Poems

  Zebras and Horses I am a survivor of suicide, a zebra among horses; distinct from those who have not suffered the loss by suicide of a loved one or dear friend. I do not feel like you, I do not respond to things as you do, and nothing you do or say can remove...

Peter’s Pick for Comfort

A Solitary Journey Grief is a solitary journey. No one but you knows how great the hurt is. No one but you can know the gaping hole left in your life when someone you know has died. And no one but you can mourn the silence that was once filled with laughter and song....

Glossary of Suicide Terminology

ABANDONMENT – Unilateral discontinuation of patient treatment by a clinician. ABNORMAL GRIEF – Prolonged, difficult, complicated response associated with traumatic loss. ACTIVE LISTENING – Hotline technique to reaffirm what caller says he/she feels. ACUTE – Sharp,...
Closure by Kevin Caruso

Closure by Kevin Caruso

Suicide Survivors: There is no Closure After a Suicide by Kevin Caruso Suicide is extremely painful. And it is very difficult to move on after a suicide. And looking for “closure” after a suicide is a natural thing to do. But I would suggest that you not focus on...

Reading List

These are books that helped us with short reviews My Son My Son by Iris Bolton- A health care professional loses her son to suicide. She survives by helping others. Beck, Aaron. Cognitive Therapy of Depression Outlines therapy for the professional counselor but...